Monday, March 31, 2008


We have travel dates! Our caseworker is out of the office today, tomorrow and Wednesday, but assured us that another member of the Russia team would call us if travel dates came through, and about noon today-they did! Unfortunately they have asked us to travel the exact week that we told them we would be unavailable to travel, April 21st! The Russian offices will be closed the first two weeks of May, so if we didn't accept these dates we would have to wait until sometime after May 14th to go!!! So, I was a little stressed out after talking to Wade who made it sound like he really couldn't get out of this work trip he's to go on that week. After school my principal, who had heard the whole dilema at lunch, told me he was sure that we would come to a decision that would work out that we would both be comfortable with. I really didn't agree at that moment, but.... by the end of the day, he was right! Here's what we've decided on:
All along my dad had been hoping to get to go on one of the trips. We all know that sometimes these adoption journeys end up taking three trips, so way back when he went ahead and got a passport, bought a Russian language book (that I borrowed and still have-guess I'd better return it!) and even told the doctor he works for that he may be taking a trip to Russia in about a year or so. Since only one parent has to travel for the first trip and Wade can't get out of his work thing, I asked him what he thought about my dad going instead. At first he didn't like the idea because he does want to be there, but we both want her home as soon as possible and waiting until the middle to end of May for the first trip will put the second trip way into the summer. So, he called my dad who was still willing and able to go, and we decided this would be the best decission for our family.
So, look up this blog the week of April 21st-26th to read all about our first trip to Astrakhan to meet sister!


Carley said...


I am so excited for you guys!!! I can't wait to see pictures of "Sister". I also voted in the poll, but I have to say that I am a little biased... *g*


Patti said...

Congratulations on your travel dates! You might meet up with some friends of ours who are in Astrakhan right now adopting their son. I pray all of the travel arrangements come together for you.

Patti (from CHI board)