Thursday, June 12, 2008

Jill meets Papa!

We were picked up at 9:30 today and got to the orphanage about 10. I think Jill remembered me, but it's hard to tell as she will go to anyone and give them a hug, so she probably would have come up and hugged me even if she didn't remember me. After we hugged and she put her forehead against my forehead (something she did a lot last trip) I introduced her to Papa. She was not shy at all, said hi and did a hi five to him just like she did with my dad when he was here! We went outside and walked around the building once. She walked awhile, I carried her awhile, then Wade carried her. She really warmed right up to him! Then, since the bugs are so bad there in the summer (not too bad in the city though)we went in. Wade read her books, played volleyball with a balloon (she has very good hand-eye coordination!) she did this all while holding her favorite baby doll. Then she got out those puzzle cards she likes so much. She pretty much just put them in and took them out of the bag over and over. This bugs Wade; he wants her to play with them, so tomorrow we are just going to put them in the backpack loose so there isn't a bag to play with. He tossed her up and down and she laughed and laughed! She colored a little with the purple crayon on some blank paper I brought. There were two French couples there with their soon to be children (both one year old boys) and Jill wanted to be the center of attention. She gave hugs to all four of them and their translator. She shared her toys with the babies too which was really sweet. It was funny to have three different languages being spoken in the room; when she would give something to the baby the mom would say "merci"! Wade describes her as an "active little girl", which is true, but she was always a little more active in this room and calmer and more laid back outside. Tomorrow we'll take the bug repellent we brought in hopes to spend more time outside.
After our visit we went to the Astor, the big mall. We ordered a pizza, then went in the grocery store that is on the first floor. We bought a huge container of water, 2 liter Pepsi, 1 liter Sprite, cheese, Ritz-like crackers, Pringles-like chips, freshly baked bread that was still warm, some ham, cups, plastic utensils and paper plates. (for $20 US). Then our pizza was ready, so we picked it up and went back to the hotel. Before eating the pizza we went to the pharmacy and bought some medicine for Jill; one for cough and one for congetsion. She still is so congested! The dr. there says that all the kids in her group are, that it just gets passed back and forth and they all just always have that. Vica says that's true, that most kids in the orphangage have a cold at all times, then when adopted it clears up in a few weeks. But they gave us the name of those two medicines if we wanted them to give them to her to help her feel better. Then we went across the street from the hotel to the open market and bought 1 kilo (2.2 lbs.) of home grown strawberries for about $4. So, we're set as far as food goes for awhile. We're pretty far away from all the restarants we went to last time, so we may only go for dinners and eat lunch here. With the market so close and the grocery store too, we can just go day to day and get what sounds good. The pizza was pretty good. It had good cheese, and olives, Wade liked the "pepperoni". I was OK with it. I put it in quotes because it wasn't like our peperoni, it was like our summer sausage. It was pretty big too so we ate a little more than half and put the rest in the fridge. We don't have a microwave in the room, but the front desk will heat things up for you if you ask. So, now we're watching a little BBC. I'll probably work on the yearbook a little and then we'll take a walk and try to find the "French Restarurant" that my dad and I went to many times last trip. I'll update again tonight or tomorrow!



Congratulations on getting back to Astrakhan! I see that you have internet access, that is great. I am so excited for you getting to be back with Jill and never having to leave her there again! I will be reading with anticipation and great memories - hoping to get back there soon.

Joel and Clarion said...

Glad to hear that you guys made it safe and sound and had a great reunion with your daughter! Blessings on court and the rest of the trip. You're in our prayers.

Deb diZ said...

Hey Amy and Wade: Glad to hear you guys made it to you destination. Sounds like quite an adventure. It really gives you a feel of the other side of the pond to hear all the different languages spoken there. I know when we were in Europe, we were the minority as far as language.

Glad Wade was able to meet Jill. Hope you guys have a great visit with her today.

More later. Deb diZ

Me said...

HOORAY!!!! I'm so happy you made it safe and sound! I'm glad Jill and Wade hit it off! I think she'll fit right in with your boys :)

Kathy and Family said...

This is all great news! I'll be following your story. I look forward to meeting Jill (probably in school late summer when we are all working away). All of you, your boys too, are in my thoughts and prayers. God's blessings to you and Jill.