Friday, April 11, 2008

40 lbs.

Okay, I have decided that it is IMPOSSIBLE to pack less than 40 pounds for a 10 day trip. I didn't even weigh the suitcase after packing last weekend. Then tonight I decided that the weather in Astrakhan is warmer than I thought it would be, so I took out some bulky sweaters and such. Then, I cut down on things like the full bottle of shampoo, putting some in a smaller travel bottle, took out one pair (of the original 3) of PJs, took out a pair of sweats, and I believe 2 shirts. I also took out one (of the the 5) of the board books I packed to take to our visits with sister. I probably took out more that I can't remember just now, and then I weighed the suitcase.....33 pounds! The travel guide says that in-country you can only have 40 pounds of luggage, total-suitcases and carry-on. I then put the stuff I am intending to put in my carry-on in a bag and weighed that...5 pounds! And that's not including my laptop or the actual carry on backpack I'm taking. So, assuming that the laptop is at least 2 pounds, that's all I can take, which leaves no room for souveniers I buy while I'm there! Now, there's a TON of room left to put souveneirs in the suitcase, it's just that I'll be charged extra for being overweight. But, after venting about this to my husband, he simply said, oh well, then we'll just pay a few extra dollars for the weight of the souveniers, no big deal. Whewwwww! Because I AM planning on buying souveniers! :) Hello Mrs. K- yes, it's after 11pm and I am still up! (Oh C'mon, it's Friday!)


Jen said...

As long as you are actually sleeping at night, that's what I worry about

Jen said...

PS - I can't believe your husband said that :)