Saturday, April 12, 2008


After re-packing last night, I began re-packing again today as it was 75 in Astrakhan today! I took out sweats, a long sleeved shirt and sweat jacket and put in 3 short sleeved shirts, 2 pairs of shorts, and 2 pairs of capriis. But this messes up my "everything I've packed can be worn with either my tennis shoes I'm wearing on the flight or my brown shoes" thing, I usually wear sandals with shorts/capriis, maybe I'll buy some brown Crocs, they're very light.
I read somewhere to be prepared to answer questions during court about the recent Utah case where a boy recently adopted from Russia died. Today, while reading other blogs, I came across a YouTube link to this story, so I've included it here for anyone else headed to court soon that may need to know about it. Apparently, the father is a Russian citizen. Also, it was an independent adoption, they did not work with an agency. I guess the judge just wants to make sure that we're aware and keeping up on what's been happening in Russian International Adoption news. Anyway, it's pretty interesting; sad, but interesting.

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